10 pounds watermelon
8 pounds granulated sugar
2 lemons, sliced and cut into pieces
2 oranges, sliced and cut into pieces
1 pound sultana raisins
1 small jar preserved ginger
Cut rind of watermelon into small squares. Place into large pot, cover with water and boil about an hour or until tender, drain.
Add center of melon, being careful to save the juice to the pot with rind. Add sugar and let stand overnight. In the morning drain of and reserve liquid, boil until it just begins to thicken. Add all ingredients, boil about an additional 20 minutes until it reaches desired consistency.
Jar and seal immediately. Makes about 48 4oz servings.
Don't have time to make your own? Buy this item in our new Pickle Relish store along with other great pickled produce products.
Listing provided by: Pickle Relish © 2025