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Sweet Summer Pickle Relish: About the Merchant

12 Large cucumbers, peeled and seeds removed
6 Small yellow or white onions
1/2 bunch celery
3 red or green peppers or both
2 Cups white vinegar
4 Cups sugar
1 tsp. celery seed
1 tsp. mustard seed

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Grind cucumbers together with diced onions and peppers. Add finely chopped celery. Add 2 tablespoons salt. Cover and let stand for 2 hours in cool area. Drain for 2 hours. Bring vinegar to a boil, then stir in sugar, celery seed and mustard seed. Add cucumber mixture and simmer 10 minutes. Pour into jars and process for 10 minutes in standard hot water bath. Makes 5 pints.

Don't have time to make your own? Buy this item in our new Pickle Relish store along with other great pickled produce products.


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