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Latest Merchants11-12 large cucumbers
2 handfuls salt
1 Quart ground onions
4 red bell peppers chopped fine
4 green bell peppers chopped fine
4 cups vinegar
3 cups white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 tsp celery seed
2 Tablespoons dry mustard
2 Tablespoons flour
1 tsp turmeric
Peel, seed and cut cucumbers into cubes, add salt and refrigerate overnight.
Add onions and peppers to cucumbers. Let set 10 minutes while you mix the dry ingredients.
Put vinegar into large pot (big enough to hold everything) and bring to a medium heat, stir into hot vinegar, continue stirring until boiling and boil until vegetables are just tender.
Pour into canning jars or containers and seal. Cool completely on counter.
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